Saturday, March 29, 2014

Catch Up...

We went to Lego Land for the first time ever this past weekend.  It was a lot more fun than I expected because I did not know what to expect.  It was probably the first time I've gone to a theme park and not looked anything about it up or had any expectation of what it would be like.  I could have gone without the scary two way in the middle of nowhere dark horrible ride back home, BUT still so much family fun which is always the best.  I had a lot of things due for school right before we left, so that was nice to get all done and such.  I am really completely hating school as always.  I love learning, but man do I hate college and all the terrible situations I've gotten myself into and haven't been able to deal with.  The bathroom has been a solace away from people and life.  Thank you school bathroom stalls.
Sometimes I wish I was born a boy.  I hate those moments.  They are really confusing.
I should probably go to bed.  It's nearly one and I'm pretty darn tired.  Night Night.