Saturday, December 13, 2014

Sunday, December 7, 2014

I'm the worst...

I have just one more paper left that I am currently avoiding and an Africa map quiz.  THEN I will be done with this last Fall semester of undergrad.  From there I will not have a vacation except for maybe a day or two, but only reading and writing all of my forty page thesis paper.  At least I really like the subject.  I am writing about Animal Assisted Therapy.  I kinda wish though I was allowed to write about people assisting animals too. BECAUSE I LIKE THE IDEA OF A MUTUAL BOND OF HELPNESS.  And I like the idea of people helping out animals.  Actually, this is my paper and I am going to some how incorporate that into it.  It's happening.  Unless my advisor is stupid like she normally is and tells me I can't.  I just really need more articles.  I can't even start the introduction because I can't find enough information about the beginning of Animal Assisted therapy in a peer reviewed paper.  Also I've run into some stipulations with paperwork and I feel like I'm going to die with red tape all over me or much like Robert De Niro in Brazil.  I really don't want to be free of school, but I can't wait to graduate from the honors college.  They are ridiculous.

So the idea of moving out has come across my brain a lot lately.  I have lots of pros of moving out and lots of cons.  Probably more cons.  And this is referring to going somewhere for school because I can't actually afford to move out to my own apartment or house.  But if I moved out I wouldn't have to deal with driving so much and my parents wouldn't have to deal with my horribleness and they wouldn't have to pay for me directly.  Also, I want a therapy dog or cat or animal and I can't have that here.  The cons though are so important though that it doesn't seem worth it.  Last time I moved out I gave up on life and had to move back home and wasted a lot of money.  I really don't want to do that again.  I wish I could move out and live down the street or something like that.  Or even across the street.  I know it sounds stupid but that might work for me.  I love living at home and having my parents right there.  As much as I am a terrible daughter, I like to think I am 5 and they care about me the same as they use too.

I just want it to be like it was when I was little.  I think I would give things ups for that.  Give it all up.    :'(