Thursday, March 17, 2011

In Forevers...

Gah. Haven't posted in awhile. Just haven't made the time I guess.  Started kickboxing Wednesday.  It's pretty neat.  I didn't expect it to incorporate wall sits.  They are evil.  I must learn to love them.  

I can't believe summer vacation is in a little over a month! and I haven't even had spring break yet! It's crazy.  I really need to start studying.  I have done nothing this semester.  I'm such a slacker.  My grades are pretty awesome considering I literally don't do anything.  Still...I gotta get on the ball. 

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, wall-sits are evil. Have avoided them most of my life, but lunges the other day just about destroyed my hamstrings.

    I have a research paper due near the end of April...and another paper along with that, and a group project for the other class I'm taking. I gotta get on the ball and do an entertaining dance for a firing squad. If I can make them smile, they won't execute me.
