Friday, November 25, 2011

Thank you...

Thanksgiving was nice with my family.  We ate lots of food! So yummy.  And leftovers have been yummy too.

Today has been kinda awkward.  For some reason when my dad comes over, there's this strange feeling.  It's hard to explain.  I don't like it though.  I think my new dosage is working to an extent.  It seems to make it easier to mask emotions and not cry....but it doesn't mean I don't still feel them.  I'm quite unsettled at the moment about a lot of things but I don't know if I can do anything about them and if I could, I don't know where to start. 

I wish my mind was just happy and situations didn't effect me so much.  I am so emotional at times and cold other times.  There is just so much on my mind...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oopsie Poopsie...

I had something written earlier for this but I accidentally closed out the window....

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I want to be a secret agent.  Travel the world with secret assignments.  Become a different person in every place.  Have the strength to talk to anyone I needed to.  Be who I want to be.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I probably should post about Halloween when I'm in a better mood but I don't want to forget again to update.
Thursday I went to Manfriend's house and we made sugar cookies and pumpkin bread.  Everything we baked was delicious and perfect.  He really is a fantastic cook.  I keep telling him he should write his own recipes and make a book.
I went camping with my family on Saturday and it was  lots of fun.  None of us had ever done it before so it was a wonderful new experience.  I love the sound of the wind in the middle of the night in the forest.  It almost sounds like ocean waves.  CAMPING ON THE SEASHORE is now on my to do list.  The sand won't be pleasant though.  I also was supposed to get my septum pierced Sunday but the shop was closed.  I was quite annoyed and frustrated.  Halloween was really nice even though I would have rather spent it with my family.  I ate pizza and cookies and watched horror films.

                        Oh! Here is a pic of my costume.

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Halloween.
I really can't wait to go home again.