Monday, April 8, 2013

All Gendahs

I have not slept....I have to be up in 30 minutes.  I watched a movie though and about finished my painting.  So that feels good.  I also just threw up....which was not fun but my tummy feels better and I'm not nauseous.  Staying up late always makes me feel that way.

I like this song.

Someone on one of my blogs messaged me that they couldn't tell what gender I was by what I wrote and my sarcasm.  It made me really really happy.  I don't like being defined as a GIRL for the what I like and how I write or sound.  I have always thought of myself as very in between.  I was a tom boy growing up but I never thought of it that way until someone pointed it out. I was just me being me.  Interesting though.  I like it.

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