Friday, October 2, 2015

And so it is...

I always think to type "it's been awhile.." or something to that nature because I always take these several month breaks before I write something else.  Honestly though, I have wanted to write more on here but we didn't have of course we do now.  For how long, I do not know.  In any case, I was just reading through my old movie reviews and I really miss doing those and I should do more of them.  I am not home as often as I'd like to be though and my glorious old laptop can't serve as a mobile device any longer.  I can't risk destroying its existence.  So if I end up doing more, it probably won't be nearly as often.

One thing that I'm proud of myself for doing that I hadn't had the chance to while in college is read for pleasure.  I read A LOT in college, but for school related purpose and not anything I chose (not that I didn't ever enjoy what I read).  But starting this past summer, I started reading things I felt like I should have read and have continued to do so.  So I went from reading only a few books if that in the summer, to reading, well what am I at now... I actually am not sure.  I started going to library again and finally was able to get a library card, and that has really helped with the amount of books I have access to read.  I have books, they are just packed.  I think I'm probably on my 9th book since starting late in the summer, perhaps July-ish.  Not that I couldn't have read more, but I do take breaks and am taking a chem course with lab.  My book choices have been really interesting too.  I'm going through a southern novel stitch right now and it's lovely.  At first it was a young adults Native American story To Walk Two Moons, then The Road, The Outsiders, Water For Chocolate, This Side of Paradise, 1602, which is a comic book, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and I'm reading now the new Harper Lee book, Go Set A Watchman.  I'm just really excited about it.  I have several more in line that are considered "classics".  I just wanted to catch up on things I feel like I should have read but also have the freedom to read what I want to read.  I've liked them all for different reasons though so far, so I'm enjoying myself thoroughly.  I am in the process of trying to do a book club because I constantly want to talk about what I read with people, but most people have either read the book and don't remember it as detailed as I do because I had just read it, or have not read it.  A friend of mine agreed to have tea and book clubbin' on Fridays with me but she is very busy with two jobs so I don't have much faith in it.  I hope it works out though.  I just really like reading and I wish I had more friends to engage with me in it.  This is similar in movies, but I don't always feel as inclined to talk to people about movies.  I never really realized that until now.  I want them to experience it, but I'm not exactly jumping up and down for a reaction.  I just want them to see it is all.  I don't think that means I don't like movies as much, I just am content with how I feel about it I guess. I don't know.  With that, I unfortunately don't have as much access to movies as I use to so I haven't been keeping up with that which makes me sad.  I use to watch at least 3 films a week and now it's rare.  I don't have netflix or other means right I will just be sad...right here...typing...weh.

I had an idea of what I wanted to write about before I started and I can't remember.  EH.

OHHHH.  Was it Halloween?  Probably.  I've been so over the top about it since summer, I'm sure that's what it was.  That has to be about what it was.  I have several ideas of what I want to be this year that could even be used for future cons that I could go to if I ever have money ever in my life.  This year, I was thinking of being Marty McFly dressed in his 2015 clothes as it is 2015 and he and Doc will be arriving this month on the 21st.  I think they are putting the movie in theaters again on that date, and I want to go dressed as such.  I found a website that sells the shoes and jacket and hat, but I'm not sure if I can get them yet.  If not, I kinda put it in my head already that this would not be possible, so I'm not too saddened by it.  I made some money this summer, and I was going to use it on a new computer (depending on how much I had made by the end) or on saving up slowly for a computer and using it for Halloween things because I'm obsessed with this holiday and all things encompassing. But my family ended up needing basically all of it, so I am broke...again. Weh. 

HAllowEEn though.. Omg. Marty McFly, Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, a Voodoo doll, some kind of mystical wolf or bird creature...I'm not sure.   I really wanted to hide my face this year but we will see.

End of Line.

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