Saturday, October 23, 2010

Eleventy Billion...

I watched Cast Away with the kids last night.  I had forgotten how awesome that movie is.  Anyhoo, today is my grandpa's 70th Birthday. Dang...I should have a little chit chat about life with him.  

I've started applying to schools for next year to transfer to.  So far I figured out I'm applying to 7 schools, maybe only 6 because one of them is just for kicks. Not sure if I should even use the money for admission but I figure in case I don't get into somewhere I do want to go.  I missed the admission date on one of the schools I've been planning to apply for a long time which makes me incredibly sad.  My heart wasn't completely into the place but the schools program sounds amazing. *Sigh.  I've got 3 out of state and the rest in state.  To be honest,  I don't think I'll be truly happy with any of the schools I go to. The new life adventure aspect is  lovely to think about but I think I'm going to be terribly homesick and I've never been on my own for more than a few days.  I suppose we all adjust to these things but I still worry.  I try to imagine where I'd go to if I am accepted to all of them and what would happen if I didn't get accepted anywhere.  Interesting scenarios...hrmm.

1 comment:

  1. My Grandparents are racin' through them golden years. I should make the most of it as well. Lots to say about life when you're 70!

    A just-kicks one? That is one fun aspect of applying. Your destiny is on the wind, CC! It'll be exciting to see where you go next, school or not. As for homesickness, there's no cure, but ice cream helps.
