Thursday, February 24, 2011


I really need to keep up with school.  My grades are slipping.  Not a good thing.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gettin' there...

SOOOOO last night Manfriend and I had an exercise extravaganza. It mostly composed of stretching, jogging for about two miles if not more, and these crazy jump run things we do that are hard as hell but fun.  It was a great workout.  Monday is my weigh in day. Hope I've made some progress.  

Ooh. Going to the Renaissance Fair tomorrow. Should be fun.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

I have had the lovely pleasure of being given a dozen roses, chocolates and a cute assortment of gifts this fine morning. amaze me.
Have a wonderful day everyone (partner or not)!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


So the last couple of days have been filled with adventure.  GAH. I love adventuring.  Rock climbing above racing water to reach a destination across the shoreline.  Running between crashing waves into little caves to seek shelter.  Listening to the thunderous pounds of the god-like force of nature beating at mother earth herself.  It's thrilling.  Simply breathtaking.   I have even have scratched up shins and knees and a cut foot! YES. Haha.  I need to make a head cam and let you see this wonderful place.  Of course it won't be like it is in real life but it is still something I want to take a crack at to film.  We finally got out the huge conch shell! It is awesome.  I will take pics of it for you. 

I met while I was at the beach an old couple and their family.  I talked to them for awhile and it was pleasant.  They were in their 80s and so happy.  The older man thought I looked like I was 15. hehe.  Sometimes I feel a bit uneasy that most of my friends look like their age or older and I look so young but then I remember when we are all in our 40s I'll still look like I'm in my 20s. YES.  Last night at dinner, the waiter thought my mother was my 18 year old brothers wife. haha. 

I finally finished my paper for one of the universities I'm applying to yesterday morning.  It just hit me.  I knew what to write.  I finally could do it and apparently it's pretty darn good.  I feel great about it.  I just hope the admissions office does too.

Today I think we are heading to my home town (yes!) and we are going to hang out with my aunt, maybe see a movie.  Then later we are going to celebrate my dad's 50th birthday.  Fifty years....goodness...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Great day...

Today was pretty awesome.  Had breakfast with manfriend and enjoyed each others company as we do often and played a movie quiz game.  Next I went to counseling and discussed how to finally finish my essay for college.  Then I picked up my little sibs and we headed to the beach.  So much fun!  Rocks and awesomeness. Where I live is amazing.  
We played run from the water, tag, and found a small cave and pretended we were tribal people.  My little brother found a huge conch shell that I am going to go back and see if I can unlodge from the massive rock it is stuck under.  After the beach we headed to Mickey D's for a bit of ice cream and playing in the tubes which was fun.  We headed home after that and then went to an appointment and from there I changed and went to workout on my grandparents' treadmill.  I burned 50% more calories then I usually do today running in intervals for 30 minutes.  I was proud.  It felt really great to be running so much again.  Good music with an awesome beat really helps keep you motivated and pushing yourself.