Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Great day...

Today was pretty awesome.  Had breakfast with manfriend and enjoyed each others company as we do often and played a movie quiz game.  Next I went to counseling and discussed how to finally finish my essay for college.  Then I picked up my little sibs and we headed to the beach.  So much fun!  Rocks and awesomeness. Where I live is amazing.  
We played run from the water, tag, and found a small cave and pretended we were tribal people.  My little brother found a huge conch shell that I am going to go back and see if I can unlodge from the massive rock it is stuck under.  After the beach we headed to Mickey D's for a bit of ice cream and playing in the tubes which was fun.  We headed home after that and then went to an appointment and from there I changed and went to workout on my grandparents' treadmill.  I burned 50% more calories then I usually do today running in intervals for 30 minutes.  I was proud.  It felt really great to be running so much again.  Good music with an awesome beat really helps keep you motivated and pushing yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I am totally envious of where you live. And congrats on the runnin', CC.
