Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hold my hand...

I've been playing lots of video games lately.  They make me ever so happy.
Bioshock Infinite being one them.  I found a really neat video compilation that I will post here of the game.  DO NOT WATCH IF YOU PLAN TO PLAY THE GAME. It contains spoilers of all sorts.  
I couldn't watch this video more than once.  I get really emotional with pretty much everything and especially good movies and great video games.  Oh, Mr. Booker DeWitt....

I also recently went to one of my best friend's baby shower.  It was nice but really sad.  I just want us to hang out again without adult responsibilities in the way.  I still feel very much like a kid.  I don't know why everyone else is changing the way they are.  They act different.  You don't need to change for other people.  And saying.." Oh I'm just growing up"  is a bad excuse.  That is not what growing up is.  You can accept your responsibilities and live your life, but you don't have to change who you are or not enjoy things you did before.  Sorry for ranting.  I didn't exactly say what I'm trying to say but I don't know how to put it into words.

I finally today got my files to convert over so I can edit movies from my new camera my Mom bought me :)
I am so excited.  I already edited together a silly video of my brother wearing his Batman Mask.  I wish I could post it.

I missed spinning this week because I overslept....le cry.

I kinda want to drop out of the honors college and get my minors in film with my psych degree.
Too bad I'm broke.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Yesterday's spin class was amazing but HARD.  I need to start running again during the week and to start lifting.  My arms feel weak when I'm on the bike.  I don't like ittttttt.

I need to set a schedule again now that I'm out of school.  I have a baby shower to attend a week from yesterday and a wedding in October.  Gotta prepare.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Yay! Two A's!!!! 

I have spinning class with a guy I met in biology today. It's late.  I am always really nervous before I go but then I feel amazing afterwards.  After that I might have to transport Mom somewhere then head back home for a shower and more Bioshock Infinite.  Manfriend might come over depending on when I get home too.  I have some movies and shows to watch and a new camera to figure out! Two at that.  

Oh buttz. I just remembered I have work too.  Hopefully today turns out well.  I've been really focusing to keep me from falling off the edge.  It's literally an every day battle to stay okay.  No wonder I'm always so tired.


I am finally done with the Summer semester in Biology and will receive the official grades Friday morning.  I'm almost 100% sure I have an A in the lab and the class.  I just have to see it before I believe it.

I can't thank my grandpa enough for how much he helped me this semester.  Long hours of studying that really paid off.  I really know my biological stuff now :)

I actually talked to people this semester too.  I like this school so much better than the honors college.  I wish I could finish my degree here.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Almost There...

I am only half way done with a paper I should have finished yesterday.
It's really late.  I am sleepy.  I am going to pass out at school tomorrow.  I need to remember to buy coffee.  Oh and I have a Lab test.  Argh.  At least there is less than two weeks left of school.  I can't wait to be finished.  Sleep. Video Games(Bioshock Infinite!!!).  Gym Time.  Beach.  Manfriend.  And less to worry about.  I should probably apply for another job though.  Something nearby.  OHHHH and I am going to start learning French too with these lessons online.  I have been listening to this amazing French song I heard in Orphan Black which reminds me.....THAT SHOW IS AMAZING. I LOVE IT. TATIANA MASLANY IS BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT AND I WANT TO MEET HER IN REAL LIFE.

Here is the song.  I sing it and practice my pronounciation.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


I tried out a spin class today.
Good oldies music made it feel like I was in some racing freedom early 80s movie.
I kept giggling inside because of it.
It was mostly rough on my arms and my legs would want to give out every so often. 
I was surprised though that I finished and that my arms felt the wiggliest at the end.
I still am not sore though. Maybe I will be tomorrow.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

It is my brother's birthday today.
He has grown up so much :)
I bought him a Minecraft poster and a  boogie board.
He liked them a lot :)

Happy Birthday, brother of mine <3 span="">

I love you so much.