Friday, September 27, 2013


So this weekend I have to get lots done.  I have work for longer than they usually schedule me which is nice because more money but not nice because I have more than the usual amount of work.  I have a 3 to 5 page paper due and two tests next week.  I'm worried I'm going to fail them.  I think I will feel better about everything after I finish my paper. 

I started a tiny garden a little over a week ago and it is amazing looking.
Here are some pics.  There are beans, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, and I think a Gladiola.

I'm pretty proud of how quickly everything grew.  Hopefully I can keep it up.  Just a bit of watering and sun seems to do the trick though.  I also put some natural fertilizer with the tomato plants that is just coffee grounds.

I have plans with my best friend for next weekend which should be fun.

I should sleep now.

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