Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I'm not sure...

My dreams are really pushing it.  Sleeping during odd hours can sometimes really trigger strange dreams but this last one really messed with my head.

Most people that I know kind of just push their dreams to the side, which really is probably healthier for them.  I don't tend to be in the business of what's healthy for me anyway so I decide to think more about them.  This last one clearly had to do with past trauma that has occurred but went back into my home roots of where I was born and the feeling behind the old houses I've lived in and overall old sensations of color and touch.  Marble pinks and cold surfaces with old stone floors and spanish styled tiled roofs.  Glowing walls with comfy big beds and a certain emptiness that is scary and reassuring at the same time.  

And so the dream took place mostly in an area like this and then things unfolded that I am now pondering on.

Am I my dreams? or are they arbitrary within my brain?


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