Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I'm having Stress Headaches...

So tomorrow I have a meeting with my new advisor.  I've already had one panic attack with him and I'm pretty sure it's going to happen again.  I want to make it as quick and painless as possible so I can at least see Manfriend for awhile.  I kinda have an idea of what I want to take anyway but I think he wanted to see me so he can tell me that I did poorly on his second test and that I shouldn't take his Psychometrics class.  All my teachers have lost faith in me. 

I hoping to sign up for a few Anthropology classes so that I can get my minor in that concentration.  I think a Bachelors Degree of Arts and Sciences, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Anthropology sounds pretty sharp.

I also figured out today that if my Audit is correct that I could technically graduate earlier than I thought AND if all the Psych teachers at my college didn't ban against me this semester, I could have finished my thesis this year...BUT NOOOOO.   

I hate people.  Especially people in power who don't know how to use it.

Anyway.  I will know by tomorrow what I'm actually going to take. If it's what I have right now, it will be a total of 14 credits with maybe only one class away from the Minor in Anthropology.  So if that happens, I will be short 14 credits, BUT, I plan on taking 3 classes, during the Summer which adds 9, so 5 left, and then hopefully doing an internship which adds at the least 3, which leaves 2 left.  I also haven't transferred over my AP score or CLEPT Spanish Test, so that's maybe an extra 3 or so depending on what they count.

So then I will have more than 120 by the end of the summer....It's a tough shot but I'm not sure if it's worth it without the Honors degree.  I will literally be just missing the thesis besides hopefully picking up another IDS class and Natural Science.

I feel there is a large amount of injustice in them taking away the opportunity I had of doing the thesis.  They basically just said, pay us an extra year of your life and then you will get it.

I'm not sure if I need all the extra class specifications either with a regular degree.  I mean I guess it will look good to a graduate school.  Oh, and if I do end up just finishing by the end of the Summer but not getting to actually graduate until December, then maybe it's worth the extra year for an honors degree.  I don't know though.  I'm going to have to wait to apply for Grad school anyway.  I haven't taken the GRE yet or looked at where I should go or where I could even imagine going. 

I should get to bed.  My head feels like the left side is dying.

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