Friday, January 24, 2014


Today is my Birthday and I am late night posting before the day ends.

The day didn't go as planned as all of my days never do.  The car had a flat tire so I was at Wallace Mart getting it fixed most of the day.  It made me really sad.  Not sure how I feel about the entirety of the day but I'm trying to feel happy.  It's really hard to do it though.  I wonder if everyone is good at it or it just isn't as hard for them or they are just better at it.  I don't know.  I'm really trying to keep it together.  I don't want the day to end.  I want to hold onto this day and snapshot memories in my brain.  Just gotta get the right meds.  I have to call this guy to get the right meds.  I have to get better.  This has to happen.

Happy Birthday Carina.

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