Saturday, September 20, 2014

In all of us...

I kinda feel like I still can't like the things I want to like without someone, a friend or family member, making fun of me for it.  It's so ridiculous.  Let me like things without making a big deal out of it.  I am scared to be myself.  It's sad and annoying and depressing.  WITH THIS. I need to remember that if I want people to treat me this way, that I need to treat them this way too.  I think part of the reason I do react negatively at times is because I'm already put off by something rude or mean the other person said...but still.  I need to be more open and loving even if they are not.

With that...I need to buy some headphones and listen to more jams.  I miss music.  It's hard to look for stuff when you are always tired and wanting to be asleep.  It's really hard to do anything actually except for school work.  Today was nice though.  I should have studied but some besties came over and we watched Captain America: Winter Soldier, which was so good.  Better than the first by far.  I kinda of want to be Winter Soldier for Halloween now.  Too bad I don't have the money to create an awesome metal arm and get his whole suit.  One day though.  That movie made me want to get into shape so badly and learn how to fight.  The Dark Knight movies make me feel that way too.

Let's be real....

I just want to be a super hero.

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