Thursday, July 8, 2010


I figured out earlier last year that I absolutely love canoeing.  The first time I went, it was storming heavily (I'm talkin' pouring down rain and each crash of thunder was heard right above our heads, each individual shock noticeable), and my friend and I weren't sure if this was the best time to give this a shot.  We headed for the main portable to pay for a single canoe and received a map to our destination.  It was exciting to be trying something new and heading out with a friend that had no clue what she was doing either.  We went paddling down a stream under two bridges and into a rain forest of some kind.  Tall trees towered above us providing shade.  We could hear birds from above and the rustling of leaves from below.  It was a cathartic experience and exactly what I needed at the time.  I couldn't believe how beautiful nature could be.  I bring up this canoeing hobby of mine because tomorrow is my best friend's birthday, and I have planned a little canoeing trip for her.  She has never gone and I thought this would provide a memorable experience.  I really hope she enjoys herself! 

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