Thursday, October 6, 2011


My arms and shoulders are a bit sore from the exercises I did yesterday! Yay! I think I'm going to go back to the gym today with my text book and read while power walking again.  I wish I could run while reading but I think it just causes my body to bounce too much and my eyes can't focus on the words.  Or maybe I'll run and then read on the elliptical. Hrm...either way, I must read.  I had a long and good conversation on the phone with my Mom last night.  It was nice :)   So my best friend should be coming up this weekend! I'm so excited! I hope we can go to Pride in Orlando.  It sounds like so much fun.  I'm trying to get a job to obtain the moneysssss.  I finally found the site I needed to sign up in so I can find a job on campus.  I wanted to work at the gym but I'm not certified in CPR.  I should get on that though.  Once they send me back the email I will be able to see what kinds of jobs are available.  I don't like asking for money so I really hope this works out.  Saying this also means that I really have to get on the ball with my school work.  I think I'm depressed...and it really makes wanting to do anything productive difficult...but I know I have to do it(thank you Manfriend for the constant push!).  I really do want to organize and succeed but this constant emotional struggle is really getting to me and that's why I made an appointment at the counseling center.  I hope it helps.

1 comment:

  1. I tired myself out today liftin' heavy stuff at the gym. Maybe if you run in place while taking the test all the bouncy words will make sense and you'll get an "A"!

    Glad you could visit with your best friend, I bet it was a great weekend. I'm trying get a job to obtain the BIG monies...gotta pay back all my loans. Gotta wear a suit too, and talk business talk. It's kinda weird. But exciting to start a career.

    I want to be certified in CPR just to save folks from not-breathing-itis. What happens if they can't breathe and I'm just sittin' there not knowing CPR?!?! I could wing it.

    You got da power, fight those bad feelings.
