Tuesday, October 18, 2011


So...life...it feels different this week but the same.  Strange feeling.
I lost four lbs! I don't feel any different though.
I'm going over to Seth Rogan's abode to watch the old batman animated series tonight.  BUT I just remembered I have a meeting tonight with Equal too...so I'm not sure what I'm going to do now.
I've beaten Oregon Trail twice.  I feel empowered.
I still need money and a job.
I actually did pretty well on my Human Species test last week but eh on the quiz for Physio.
I have a quiz this week and a paper due and a test next week.
I can't wait to go home.

1 comment:

  1. How many people survived your Oregon Trail games? Also, we gotta know if you were the Doctor, Banker, Carpenter...big differences, CC!!!

    Trade me Human Species class for my Employment, Placement, & Personnel? Please?
