Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Cat...

My cat Cloudy was in a gang fight the other night (according to my grandpa) and she came out with some serious battle wounds.  Her back paws are cut up and her stomach was cut open.  We brought her to the hospital yesterday and they kept her overnight.  She had an infection, so they had to clean her out and put her on strong antibiotics.  She's home now and I have to give her medicine two times a day.  She's limping everywhere and it's sad.  I like imagining her being part of a gang of cats though.  My aunt said she's seen her with lots of other neighborhood cats at night.  I noticed this new cat though that's gray and quite bigger than Cloudy.  My grandpa said he must have wanted to fight her so he could become leader of the Cat Gang.  She's and old cat and her reflexes are not what they use to be, so it seems he won.  I haven't actually seen him though.  The other night he was by the side of the house but he ran away.  I feel as though I need to keep Cloudy as comfortable as possible so I decided to sew her a giant pillow. 

First I found some fabric my friend's mom had given me.  I turned the fabric inside out and proceeded to put pins in the frabric every inch or so.

I started sewing along the pin lines I had created, taking each pin out as I sewed closer to the corner I had left unpinned.  Once I had finished my sewing the proper lines, I  pulled the fabric from inside through the hole.

I found a bag of Poly-Fil Micro Beads that I had used for a summer project years before and decided that it would be great for the stuffing inside the pillow.  I went outside (because the stuff makes a huge mess of tiny white beads that stick to you) and poured the micro beads inside the pillow.  I then went back inside and sewed up the opening I had left.  I had made a cow pillow for my kitty!

We had a cardboard box that we had brought her home in, so I decided to decorate it and put the pillow in there.  I cut out the front piece so she could come in and out and put some cat related pictures and one dinosaur picture from her favorite friend Steve the Dinosaur 1.

I think the idea of a little cat house was fun to make and decorate, but in reality she didn't really like it and the pillow felt like sand so she peed on it, but that's okay.  I liked making her a pillow nonetheless.  She is currently on my bed and wishes to stay there.  What can I do?  She's in recovery so I'll let my kitty be.

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