Monday, December 20, 2010


So I just figured out that I won't be receiving part of my best friends present for another month.  Ridiculous.  All my families presents are going to be coming in late as well but that's my fault for ordering them less than a week before Christmas.  Lame.  I wanted them wrapped and underneath the tree. My mom doesn't even know I got her anything so it would have been a great surprise. 

I finished applying to two more colleges last night.  Just one more to go and it's my top pick.  I don't know why this topic has been so tough for me  to conquer but I have to finish it soon.  Maybe I can today if I really work at it.  They might have already sent my grades over and there's no application to go with it! 

1 comment:

  1. One of my presents didn't come in, either, but all the roomies agreed to do presents in January.

    What's your top pick?
