Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Irk of life...

So far, today hasn't been promising.  I went to school and took a history test that I'm almost completely sure I failed.  After I finished the part 2 essay, I rechecked the question and I realized I had gone a bit off topic.  I was annoyed and aggravated by then so I turned in my test and walked out.  I really want to do well, but days like these really throw off my groove of things( Do I have a groove?).  When my grandpa came to pick me up, we had a conversation about women directors and how not one has ever as won an Oscar.  He started joking about me winning my first Oscar in acting and then the second in directing, and told me I should start preparing my speech.  He's such a great person and so positive.  I didn't have the heart to tell him about the test.  When I got home I was depressed and just laid in bed for awhile and surfed the internet.  I found a new band by accident which is exciting and made me a little happier.  Then I decided to go on a bike ride.  It was refreshing and wonderful, and it was nice to be outside.  I had some adventure music playing, and some oldies.  I rode through an area where the grass is overgrown, and there are giant hills of sand.  It was pretty fantastic, and the music even picked up when I would come up to an amazing area of land.  I rode farther than I had ever gone by bike and in those areas, the music seemed to change with my emotion, or maybe I changed with the music.  Either way I feel much better than I did before. 

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